Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Okay everybody!

Welcome to the new and improved Giannaweb!

You must be wondering Is this a new website?Is this a glitch? What happened here?
Well I havent posted in a LONG time!With school and vacation I have been busy.
So I thought how about I change the website. Make it better...
I gave the website a whole new look, but then after that I though...
Why give only the website a new look what about the post?
So Now I have decided to change the concept of the website!
Now This website will be your main center for MOST games!
Don't worry you will still have your club penguin!
But now you will have games like...
Minecraft! Snail Chat! and Pottermore!
Okay I know not too many games but at least this way the website hasnt changes too much.
Now I have new dates of new post and polls!

On Monday and Wednesday I will Create a new post.(Any breaking news will be posted A.S.A.P)
And new polls will be out every 2 weeks

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